XTEL earns thirteen Best In Class Category distinctions in the 2024 POI Consumer Goods Vendor Panorama

The combined Enterprise Planning and Retail Execution Vendor Panorama recognizes XTEL with the highest number of BIC distinctions across the eighteen participating vendors

October 1, 2024

blue gradient technology


Bologna, September 30th 2024.


XTEL, an AI and data-first company and a leader in revenue and trade management solutions for consumer goods companies, has been recognized with the highest number of Best-In-Class (BIC) distinctions in the 2024 Consumer Goods Vendor Panorama by the Promotion Optimization Institute (POI) across both the Enterprise Planning (EPx) and Retail Execution (RetX) spaces. This further confirms XTEL’s unique positioning as the partner of reference for CPGs seeking an enterprise solution to upgrade their commercial strategy and execution at a global scale.
XTEL received seven distinctions in the Enterprise Planning (EPx) category for Data Management, Global Deployment, RGM UX, RGM Suite, TPx UX, Headquarter Planning, and TPx Analytics, Dashboarding & Reporting. These awards highlight the strengths of XTEL’s AI Platform across its trade promotion (TPx) and revenue growth management (RGM) solutions.
In the Retail Execution (RetX) category, XTEL earned six distinctions for Data Management, Connected Enterprise, Data and Analytics Visualization, Desktop UX, Analytical Insights, and Guided Selling.

The report mentions a “powerful combination” which “adds strategic and tactical value to organizations,” a reflection of “XTEL’s holistic vision and experience spanning enterprise planning, revenue management and retail execution.”

“We are delighted that our vision, innovation, and enduring partnerships with top consumer goods brands have been acknowledged in the latest Vendor Panorama. These awards highlight our commitment to delivering real, tangible ROI for our clients, beyond just recommendations and insights. Our AI platform is crafted to enhance our customers’ profitability from day one, empowering them to achieve their full potential on an enterprise scale,” said Cédric Guyot, Chief Strategy Officer, XTEL

XTEL’s AI Platform is commended for its “strong product functionality, usability, and vision”. “Organizations can leverage XTEL’s extensive industry expertise and advanced AI-driven technology to streamline their entire enterprise planning ecosystem, reducing the organization’s vendor technology footprint and driving cost efficiencies.”

“XTEL’s AI platform addresses the primary challenge in the CPG industry: making trustworthy and relevant AI-driven data and insights available where, when, and how they are needed to inform strategy and execution decisions across all the functions involved in commercial operations. Utilizing advanced neural networks to understand trade dynamics and shopper behaviour, it contextualizes insights for consumer goods manufacturers and their partners. XTEL’s AI Platform fosters a common commercial language across the organization, bridging the gap between strategy, planning, and execution, and turning commercial execution into a true competitive advantage at the global scale” stated Suzana Dias, SVP of Marketing, XTEL.

To access the full POI 2024 Consumer Goods Enterprise Planning & Retail Execution Vendor Panorama, visit the POI website https://poinstitute.com

You can download the excerpt of the report dedicated to XTEL by completing the form below



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